Little Hands Big HeARTS-Kids Art Classes


These fun and inspiring workshops are a wonderful way for kids to express themselves and ignite their passion for creating, learn some skills and build their confidence.

These classes are process based projects, and are fun and accessible for all kids. Process based art’s main focus is on material exploration with less emphasis on how the final product looks, and more on experimentation. Process art also allows students to access a mindfullness practice as it allows them to experience active meditation and flow, which helps boost mood and self esteem.

Students will develop more understanding and confidence in applying art materials while having FUN doing it.

Once booked Bree will email you with the address of the class in Sunbury.

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These fun and inspiring workshops are a wonderful way for kids to express themselves and ignite their passion for creating, learn some skills and build their confidence.

These classes are process based projects, and are fun and accessible for all kids. Process based art’s main focus is on material exploration with less emphasis on how the final product looks, and more on experimentation. Process art also allows students to access a mindfullness practice as it allows them to experience active meditation and flow, which helps boost mood and self esteem.

Students will develop more understanding and confidence in applying art materials while having FUN doing it.

Once booked Bree will email you with the address of the class in Sunbury.

These fun and inspiring workshops are a wonderful way for kids to express themselves and ignite their passion for creating, learn some skills and build their confidence.

These classes are process based projects, and are fun and accessible for all kids. Process based art’s main focus is on material exploration with less emphasis on how the final product looks, and more on experimentation. Process art also allows students to access a mindfullness practice as it allows them to experience active meditation and flow, which helps boost mood and self esteem.

Students will develop more understanding and confidence in applying art materials while having FUN doing it.

Once booked Bree will email you with the address of the class in Sunbury.

Monday 8th January SOLD OUT

Nature Sun Prints: Using cottons, Acrylic paints and an assortment of leaves and flowers the students will explore creating interesting patterns and shapes and the magic of using the sun to help create their design also known as a cyanotype .

Bubble Painting: While we wait for the nature prints to dry, we will explore creating fun and interesting abstract works using acrylic paint and detergent to print/paint with. I mean who doesnt LOVE blowing bubbles!!

Monday 15th January

RECYCLED MATERIALS 3D CONSTRUCTION & PAINTING: Students will arrange and paste an array of recycled materials such as toilet paper rolls, icy pole sticks and egg cartons onto an abstract composition, Students will then use acrylic paints to add colour to their piece.

PET ROCK MONSTER: Students will create a little rock monster friend using acrylic paints and googly eyes.

Monday 22nd January

LAYERED ABSTRACT PAINTING: Students will learn some basic colour theory and apply it to their work. They will also explore art elements such as line, shape, pattern and repetition, and techniques such as collage, painting and layering, to create a bold expressive abstract piece.

BALLON PRINTING: Students will use acrylic paint applied to a ballon to create interesting marbled colour combinations on a black background.